What I do


Readings from many different types of cards, Lenormand, Rider Waite, Unicorn Tarot, Le carte Piacentine, La Sibilla (Italian love orientied deck), Trees' Spirits & many others.

Flame readings of your candles and guidance to choose the perfect one for your energetic needs!
WARNING: don't play with fire, or you'll burn yourself! And remember to never leave flames alone.

Energy-based suggestions, based on your vibrations about the use, the choice, the purification and the right charging option for every single Crystal.


Millennial old Chinese oracle. Gives you a clear response.

Colour therapy
Colours are energy. They help us in spiritual growth and express emotions.

Choose the right prayers based on your personal credos.

White Magic Rituals
Perfomed with good intentions, for good only.
As what goes around, comes around.

Personal and personalised coaching. I will try to support you, especially on topics of love and career choices!

Common herbs (parsley, sage, Rosemary and thyme among others :) and spices are used to mildly cleanse and purify your body, mind and soul.
WARNING!!! Before using them: always ask your doctor first!


Easy personalised meditations to focus, relax or grow.

Yantras and Mandalas
To find your centre again.

Chakra Reactivation
To feel good.

Astrology & Numerology
To know yourself (and others) better.


Various "-mancies"
To kill time ;-)

On request also:
Amulets, essential oils, aura chakra analysis, books, fragrances and fragrance lamps, angelic pictures, energy and protection amulets, feng shui, indian art, crystals, herbal mixes, magic oils and spice mixes, natural cosmetics, pendulums, pyramids, runes oracle , spiritual art, Symbolic jewellery, shamanic products, tarot cards, dream catchers, vegetarian / vegan recipes.
Channeling, energy and light work, deacidification, family constellations, spiritual healing, palmistry, horoscopes, information about indigos, iris diagnosis, name analysis, seminars ,various yoga and meditation methods.


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